Customers can come directly to the Sabo Engineering Center laboratory to submit tests to the laboratory administration, or order via the website via online services.

The administrative officer will confirm the payment by email / wa customer by providing a payment sheet that must be paid to the State KAS Virtual Account according to the total test value. Then, the customer confirms the payment by uploading proof of payment or submitting it directly to the administrative officer for further verification of customer payment.

a. Menetapkan dan mengesahkan SOP untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan laboratorium;

b. Mengesahkan laporan kegiatan laboratorium;

c. Menyetujui program dan anggaran kegiatan laboratorium;

d. Menyetujui pengadaan barang dan jasa eksternal;

e. Menetapkan persyaratan kompetensi personel sesuai standar berdasarkan kualifikasi pendidikan, pelatihan dan pengalaman yang sesuai untuk melaksanakan tugas tertentu;

f. Memberikan delegasi kepada personil terkait, bila berhalangan hadir dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawab dan tugasnya.

Customers can take the LHU by coming directly to the laboratory with their identity and filling out the customer questionnaire first or can download it from the "download LHU" menu on the customer's account page.

Online Services